Sunday, December 31, 2017



唐人街书店买了本三民书局硬皮版“燕丹子”。 所记燕丹子请荆轲刺秦王之事,确是美文,导读中写此书应作于前汉, 是谓早于史记,战国,汉书,俺读后并不相信,就列出以下几项:

1) 整篇文词优美,精炼,生动,过于史记和战国。前汉人,西汉人较淳朴,文词简约,非东汉后汉晋隋之风
2) 成语堆积罗列,所作者应熟通多种经史。非前人。
3) 其中有句: "後日,轲从容曰:「轲侍太子,三年於斯矣,而太子遇轲甚厚,黄金投龟,千里马肝,姬人好手,盛以玉槃。凡庸人当之,犹尚乐出尺寸之长,当犬马之用。今轲常侍君子之侧,闻烈士之节,死有重於太山,有轻於鸿毛者,但问用之所在耳。太子幸教之。」"

'当犬马之用', 犬马之用, 出处: 南梁 章昭达对日:“当效犬马之用.以尽臣节,自馀无以奉偿。”
犬马之劳‘ 《汉书·孔光传》:“臣光智谋浅短,犬马齿臷诚恐一旦颠仆,无以报称。
泰山鸿毛‘ 出处:
太史公泰山鸿毛之比应是原创,书信文辞是言谈,古朴直接,不修饰。 文如其人。还有,为李陵死谏的品德如闻荆轲泰山鸿毛之辞不会在刺客傳中省去。
在就此篇文章‘燕丹子’ 荆轲从容曰: “。。。闻烈士之节,死有重於太山,有轻於鸿毛者,但问用之所在耳。。。”
更重要的一点是: 太史公此对比是指生命,燕丹子作者把它变成意指烈士之节的死,如读者细想就发现这改法是病语。因烈士之节的死都是重若泰山,没有轻如鸿毛者,不然也不称之为烈士。
李白 诗 《结袜子》燕南壮士吴门豪,筑中置铅鱼隐刀,感君恩重许君命泰山一掷轻鸿毛
太史公,王充之论衡记有: 馬生角,乌白首之说 , 见燕丹子篇首。

以下选出篇中几个成语来证‘燕丹子’作者书包功夫,前汉人应不会读到多种典籍,并文章叙述更像辞赋,作文精神和审美与左传上半部,国语,战国,史记不相符, 还有,前汉人的君子士人的礼节言辞简单的多。
不毛之地 :

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Superman

The Superman
Laijon Liu 20171224

The Earth’s gravity never feels right
it’s kind of weightless
it’s kind of unsteady
and all things down here moving slow

Being able to travel in lightspeed
from galaxy to galaxy
but have you found habitable planets
and the natives there are hospitable?

Your super powers to save lives
but can you also fix broken hearts?
Or I’m asking too much
that you also have your limits

Your indestructible physique
young, firm, wrinkleless, scratchless
never know what pain feel like
or that’s your genetic disorder

You don't age, is that a blessing or a curse?
Earthian life is fragile and short
you watch your love ones aging and gone
how you cope with the loss?

No liquor can knock you out
no drug can make you forget
can you be strong again, to start anew?
live with new partner(s) and ghosts?

Time is eternal, the memory is eternal
the Space is eternal
and you are also eternal
you be the Superman, you must!

- The Superman feels super lonely, super powerless, super sad.-


Saturday, December 23, 2017


Laijon Liu 20171222

bandits call themselves a party
robbers hijack a country
highwaymen set their toll booth on the highway
and every rape case they call it a love affair
they compose their high note anthem
they rewrite the history of their crimes
they set their own rules of the game
to foresure their win of the pots
the hero roles they’ve always played
and their happy endings they direct
like their law book they uphold
a false authority to legitimize
yes, they’ve got guns and now gangster rich
but they can never dictate the truth

Zhuangzi quote: a man manipulates a country becomes the king; a man who steals pearl is beheaded. I guess his quote fits the word. but usually there never one man can rule a country, he needs a party.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

An Ant

An Ant
Laijon Liu 20171219

- You live for the system -

You either a worker or a soldier
you don’t have other choice
this system and culture makes sure that
you crawl, you dig and you wrestle
like your life got nothing else meaningful

How often you wake up in the morning
you feel the headache, vanity and back pain?
Yet, you will never question yourself
why you do this? And why can’t you stop?
Because you are an ant, that simple.

Complex underground network tunnels
surround your sunless world and ideology
you’ve together designed and maintained
and every boulder you’ve pushed a marathon length
to extend your ant-kind colonies everywhere

Mighty you are, you march together
like cancer cells spilling out into blood stream
bring down elephants, river dams, and deforest
yet so fragile you are, the tiniest six-leg
insect in all animal kingdoms that eye can see

Chemistry programmed in your brain and body
that only serves basic function of survival
Your existence, and whatever you do
is Nothing but a number, a numbers game
number dominance over the living and the corpses.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Krill and Sardines

Krill and Sardines
Laijon Liu 20171216

Coalesce into dense patches
Tightly packed to form spheral shoals
That’s how krill and sardines
Come together, be safe in numbers

Millions years evolution wisdom
Teaches them synchrony of reflex
That joy of harmony, of one mind
The wonder of spinning disco ball

Hypes, trends, shouts and the likes
Like infinite silver bubbles of myriad
Sizes, rising from the bottom deep
All disappears in a gigantic jaw

BBC the Hunt episode 4 "hunger at sea" sardines, blue whale hunts krill
BBC the Hunt episode 6 " race against time" humpback whale hunts capelin


Monday, December 11, 2017

O Please God, Me!

O Please God, Me!
Laijon Liu 20171211

There’s so much fear
to be true, to share
that men created God
for themselves they care

There’s so much greed
to be righteous to take
that everyone calls himself
he is the chosen one

God don’t care about you
you are one of His countless
(or you don't really suffer)
and never truly that unique
as you think you’re privileged

God will not save us
If we don’t save ourselves
God will never help us
if we choose to help each other not

There’s no heaven in the sky
no hell under the ground
Only our Earth, if God ever created anything
it’s for us to make this home Heaven or Hell.

many times I prayed in the past I heard an inner voice saying above rhymed lines to me, it's been years. many times I thought about putting it down on paper, 1st it's not really a poem. 2nd its spiritual sickness that really bothering me. because prayer poem should be most about others, not Me. but any way, it's some kind of spiritual experience. I've got to take the good with the bad.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Gazelle

The Gazelle
Laijon Liu 20171207

Streamline built for speed
your elegant pose and graceful stride
born to run, how you exist
away from danger, away from troubles

your brain is delicate wired
to sense the slightest change in the air
your wide eyes and antenna ears
to observe the ripples, the rustle and dewdrops

your heart is fit to a bow nock
or a bait hook, to bear the tremor
to echo the beats, to amplify
ambiance, noise and subtle patterns to your soul

a sudden burst of pain, of asphyxiation
you are clamped by the fate
as the weight of the world crash on you
you still kicking, kicking for the home stretch

BBC The Hunt episode 1 "the hardest challenge"  leopard hunts Impala
BBC The Hunt episode 3 "hide and seek" tiger hunts deer

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Reflection on Shadow Play

Reflection on Shadow Play
Laijon Liu 20171203

my book lamp casted my shadow onto the wall:
a dark human figure moving on a pale screen.

I stared at my shadow for a while
and I felt its blankness staring back at me

probably the wall found me and my shadow
more interesting than itself and its empty realm

I tried not to speak a word to the wall
and tried thinking of many other things as I stared

I tried not to move, not to disturb the stillness
but my momentary efforts could only last for so long

so I turned off the lamplight, the darkness swallowed
the pale wall, my shadow and my appearance

I turned on the lamplight again, and I said:
Let there be light.” and there my shadow on the wall.

I sat lotus-sutra, a shadow of meditating Buddha
appeared, folding his palms and praying

then I suddenly raised up my open hands
a dark monster with two claws was born

then I held my hands, formed a shape of heart
as the heart bloomed, it turned into a head of cobra

then a peacock appeared, walking, looking around
for a mate, and suddenly turned into a wolf with fangs

a dove like bird hovering on the screen
no, it was a hawk disguising, scanning for prey

and I looked around for a crown and a microphone
to empower my shadow, and I pulled out some bills

one dollar, one hundred dollar were same size
then I held my phone, my shadow shot itself a selfie

at that flashing moment, my shadow vanished
everything was blank, the world and the wall

I also thought about woman, a woman’s silhouette:
her floating tresses, plump hanging breasts, round hips

her infinite shapes and mine on the pale screen
totally made the wall sexy and alive

dancing pair figures, drama, fighting figures
like those ancient Egyptian and Greek wall art

and the kissing scene: shapes of two branch rivers
converge, join into each other, form a continent...

and I was tired of my hand shadow performance
my right hand swiftly turned into a pistol, pointed to

the head of lonely shadow figure.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Rhino

The Rhino
Laijon Liu 20171130

an awesome spearhead set upon your forehead
that makes you invincible
a full body armor equipped you by Nature
that makes you indestructible
heavyweight you are, so no lions nor beasts
dare to mess with you
and stamina you’ve got to patrol the wild plains

Curse! Curse all your natural gifts!
because men shoot you with their rifles
with their armor piercing bullets
feel ten thousand awls
drilling every part of your organs
focus on your sharp head pain
the burning sensation, the saw tooth blade
the shocks, and the epileptic seizure
when they gelding you, you are paralyzed
and your pride?
only for the mountebank and his primitive folk.

Friday, November 24, 2017

The Polar Bear

The Polar Bear
Laijon Liu 20171124

Ice is your home and identity
Ice is your world and future
Beneath your heavy emaciated body
The ice is disappearing

The vast frozen wonderland
Of purity and plenty, now
Becomes an abstract canvas
Of countless broken pieces

Everything is changed and confusing
The seasons, the floating slushy labyrinth
Your memory and acute senses
All suddenly sinks into the sea

source: BBC the hunt episode 2 "in the grip of season"

Sunday, November 19, 2017




小到家暴, 父母以管教为借口随意打孩子,为发泄他们自己在社会工作当中受到的欺凌,由于畏惧权势而将不平和愤怒发泄在他们的小孩子和女人身上,或,把他们童年受父母虐打的愤恨,由于道德观念“愚孝”的束缚,不敢对他们父母实行公开报复,就从打他们自己儿女的行动上出口气以做补偿,还有的就用打孩子的方式来报复配偶,如夫妻感情不和,婚外恋,双方不敢直接拳脚相向,就通过打他们的孩子来报复。再如,生出孩子后了悔,因为他们生的时候就没多考虑,只是时候到了总要要一个,人家都生你不生你就有病,或因为他们父母想要个孙子玩,要不就生儿防老养老,更土就是生几个女儿都不算非得生个儿子传那个宗继那个代才行(如这篇世界日报新闻上的父母),理由种种,但就是没一样是为他们要生的孩子着想(如:社会底层长大的大部分是挣扎不出来,他们长大除了忍受贫穷痛苦,就在愚昧的生下他们自己的孩子,把贫穷痛苦再传下去),他们生孩子是为他们自己解决种种问题,一旦生出之后,就发现实非所愿,那安奈不住的恼怒和倒霉的心情天天涌上心头,但又不能把已生出来的孩子送人或赶街上,他们的孩子就成了父母上辈子的孽障,今世的讨债鬼。更可怕的是, 家里不止生一个,生两个,或三四个。父母就公开的在儿女面前说这个好,有出息,那个差,不争气,愚昧的公开挑拨儿女之间的感情关系,让他们羞辱歧视一个最倒霉的。这种家暴让人从小就惧怕暴力,无法并无胆量跟施暴者沟通,造成人人和人人之间不平等,在社会各个层面有权者以暴力不讲理专权,无权者以假做虚伪奴从。从家庭,父母儿女,兄弟姐妹之间,到社会工作和政治,朋友同事之间,没啥真诚的关系和理论沟通了,只能说父母愿听的,老师想听的,领导要听的,针对人说该说的话,所以是有的事几十年前怎样行是对的,现在反着做也是对的,智慧不是真理,是谎言。孩子们在他们父母身上就学到暴力,暴力的方法,用途,和明智对待暴力态度,如讨好父母,撒谎逃避,直到他们不知咋样当上父母就以儿时学到的暴力知识巩固完善自我。社会和体制的人权民主问题就是从小在每个家里给弄坏了,奴隶和皇帝就在大多数暴力的家庭里一代代的源源不断的生产出来,苦难如饥荒文革等就通过大众来参与实行,并不是某个伟人或从井冈山上出来的一小股土匪的造就,自古朝代的皇帝和统治都要大众来维持。

孩子挨揍都是为了学习。 (不是以上某种原因。打就根本不是教育方法。爱心,耐心,引导,鼓励,说理,辩论,身教,聪明的把收拾家,2个小时做晚饭吃晚饭和刷锅洗碗的时间分配出来和孩子一起学习作业,一起读书和锻炼才是父母责任。教孩子怎样把时间花在有用的地方上。如,读书人天天想着读书,发明家时时思考发明,川普时刻想怎样骗人。大部分打孩子家长都举不出30本给孩子必看的书,可让孩子在 短时间了解生活文化。所以说,那些揍孩子家长就应先挨棍棒。几年前读到一个中国教授自捧把他孩子打到考入北大,我觉得他儿子就应该把他爹打到哈佛去当终身教授,把他爹打到能得诺贝尔文学科学奖,再狠点打他爹,往死里打,说不定他爹不用坐宇航船就可飞去火星了呢。)以中国愚忠愚孝的传统,我不应该以打父母来还击打孩子虐待的思想。不管怎样毕竟是父母,毕竟是领导,毕竟是皇帝天子。。。但谁不是父母来着?都有生殖器,都有生育能力,也都大部分生过儿女,当然,大部分是能生不能养,不会教育。因为,他们不顾儿女必然受苦(因为他们大部分不是强盗统治阶级,又不敢以中国名义去杀抢奴役其他人,让他们儿女从他们的暴行暴政的福分)就自私或不负责任的把他们儿女生在他们的穷苦的环境中,让他们的子女跟他们一起吃苦。他们就没有做父母的爱心。是做人的失败。这世界是啥样的男盗女娼的环境,他们就不知道?! 既然做了父母,生了孩子,他们大多数就只能负担起喂饭的义务,却不愿以忍耐和爱心教育孩子,凡事以教育为名,用骂和打来出气,就根本抛弃父母名分。他们做什么父母来着?!当他们岁数大了,也应懂点人事,做出长辈的样子,却把他们平生所做之恶事丑事以卖老的方式不再提及,好像一切都忘了,就成了新人好人,把中华古老长辈智者悔过的德行给废了。还真能做个有尊严的人?!中华的劣根性就是把对和错给复杂化了。以暴力,皇权,和愚孝把正义和真理给统治起来,使得民族文化问题不能公平探讨(不让说,不能说,不可说,不应说),不能进步,就只能一代代的把真正败坏道德的文化,暴力和苦难给传了下来。 

留守儿童 【连接】
留守儿童的现象一般只在中国被提及,也是中国近年出现的一个严重社會現象。其出现是由于现代化的发展而导致大批农村剩余劳动力城市转移,是中国目前城乡二元体系松动的产物。在留守家庭中,父母需外出到城市打工以维持生计,但由于无法担负过高的城市生活成本而不能接孩子进城或留在身边。但其出现的社会现象是该时期留守在家的儿童正处于成长发育时期,由于与父母的分开而缺少必要的思想指导和观念的塑造,更是缺少父母的关注与呵护而导致留守儿童出现孤僻内向、情绪消极、自觉性差、胆小怕事等心理缺陷[1]更严重的是,在一些地方,甚至出现了“留守童工”的现象。[2]据2000年第五次人口普查资料显示,中国农村留守儿童已近2000万人。据2013年5月发布的一份中国官方机构的调查显示,留守儿童据估算已超过6000万。[3] 留守儿童的比例大约为20%,即平均5个中国儿童中有一个是留守儿童。留守兒童為中國社會的一大隱憂,這6千萬人在缺乏照顧及家庭教育下,形成各種人格或心理缺憾,成年後更可能隨父母腳步,繼續被社會邊緣化,難免引發各種社會問題。 
- 维基百科,自由的百科全书-

国家,社会,党和人民根本就不能帮那些痛苦的孩子和他们贫困的父母。人对下一代有传福分的责任,如不能,就要扛起帮子女避免痛苦的责任。 人在生之前必要看看世界社会和自家。生儿女的原因是因为家里有福分和富贵才生儿女,是要把福分家业传给儿女,不是把一个姓氏连带贫穷和痛苦给传下去。

父母说:打你是为了你好。 (那儿女长大后也以暴打的方式对他们父母来报答养育之恩? 洗脑)父母从来不会对儿女说爱,实际上他们大部分就不是为了爱儿女才生,如父母假装说爱,儿女就会很逻辑的辩论,以家境情况,地位层次,知识背景,身体条件,等等来问他们父母:“那为什么还生我(们)?”父母就必要以亏欠的心态来对待他们的儿女了。如大部分父母生儿女时有亏欠心态,也不会以打来发泄。但父母绝对没错的,跟领导们一样,都是圣人,被神化了。
世界日报上自杀的10岁小姑娘的妈妈,一句对不起她女儿的假话都没有,或表露点悔意说 “我应对小雪多留点心,那想到是这样!”做妈妈的是把她女儿自杀推到老师学校身上,只字不提她打她女儿。
小雪是10, 2007年出生,是第二胎,有个姐姐和弟弟,是二姑娘。 是她父母违反一胎法律生的,可以推断她父母是想要儿子传种,结果第二胎又是个女儿。这个不争气的小雪就注定是父母不愿要的。结果,弟弟一出世,小雪就成了眼中钉,加上学习不好,就将来父母靠不住攀不上的,是个赔钱操心多余的孩子了。父母打她骂她就难免的。
最后,小雪还在她自杀告别录影上告诉她父母: “记住我的样子了吗,我的样子很漂亮。”是因为她父母每打她的时候骂她长的丑,她才会对她爸妈说,记住她的相貌,她其实很美的。
如父母只打孩子几次,孩子是不会去自杀,小朋友都怕死和痛,而且记吃不记打,父母大多还是养他们的角色,如小朋友有关系极亲的人,如姥姥姥爷,也会跑去躲难,但如父母家常便饭的打和羞辱他们,他们又没处躲,就自然试想着自杀了。因为,父母的打对他们来说已成了一种连续的体系体制,他们无法逃脱,无选择,无法承受如浪潮般的体罚,一个星期一次或两次,一考试就注定一次,各门成绩都要决定挨多少嘴巴子和皮带,每一顿饭都提心吊胆的吃,饭后就要问学习啦,睡觉时怕被叫醒查作业,天天都是这程序,有的父母还变着方的来,如:把抽皮带之间隔拖长,让他们儿女更清楚的感到痛楚,站在他儿女的后面考问题,答错或答慢,就连续敲后脑勺,或让他们儿女站着自己扇嘴巴,打完后让他们还在掉眼泪的儿女站镜子前笑。。。 小朋友去死就是经过长期思考又无出路的选择。

慈母手中线,游子身上衣。 这令人感动的诗句不一定是大多数家庭文化的产物。

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Crocodile

The Crocodile
Laijon Liu 20171118

Born nearby the mire and live in the mire
slowly you stay afloat in that empty mossy pond
and endure all the long hunger seasons

silence and patience is all you’ve got
and scabs covered all over you, your childhood
wounds, thicken like armor scales

gentle sunshine gives you only comfort
you lie flat on the ground as to receive flogging
you bitterly smile, recollect the past

crawl in the mud, sink in murky water
hold your breath, slow down your heartbeats
gradually you sleep into numbness

how you’ve wished the old tale is true
that the rumbling of the earth resurrects you
and you wake up to finally feel alive

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Barnacle Gosling Cliff Dive

Barnacle Gosling Cliff Dive
Laijon Liu 20171112

This disorienting world is not for faint hearted
even for a new born chick wears soft padding
parents are down below, calling, encouraging
cold sea winds pummeling the cathedral cliff

your shivering existence is to barely hang on
that nest on precipitous is never a safe home
Jump! and keep your little wingtips stretched
Believe! your faith will guide you to the ground

life is cracking of eggshell, born out of breaking
second birth to know the senses of pain and death
dropping, rolling, and bouncing off rough rocks
like a falling dice down into unknown, into abyss

Source: David Attenborough’s Life Story, Episode 1

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Laijon Liu 20171109

Eden was organic
Eden was biodiverse
Eden was a paradise
till one day Adam made a slingshot
and Eve craved for designer boots

I re-watched David Attenborough’s Planet Earth and the last disc of The Future contain 3 episodes: saving species, into the wilderness, living together. I was really pissed by the clowns using most two reason to dissuade the Change: 1.‘We don’t really know climate change is man-made factor’. 2. ‘…, yes, we have to save our environment, our planet, BUT there are majority poor People in the world, we Have To Develop the Global Economy to help them.

The first question is debunked today that most people believe Climate Change is man-made factor. But the second excuse is really subtle to argue.

There are 2 types of people who using Economy Development to block or postpone the Earth-Saving Movement: really poor people live in all corners of the global who have no clean water and enough food to feed their families and most of them are like my grandparents generations in China (1950-1980) never learned birth-control was a possible method to prevent tragedy, every family breed nearly 10 children, and a few of their children die of malnutrition, actually starvation is the right word, mothers have no food to eat, and they cannot produce milk, only stare at their infant die. Every family has its story of 2 or 3 infants died during 1950-1970, usually the youngest. Their real problem is they lack of education about their economy structure limits a couple’s ability to only raise 1 or 2 child(ren), because the wealth of the nation is not distributed in socialist or communist structure, which means families share even portion produce of the land. Even today, in developed world such as US, the tax payers can only afford to together bring up every child to grow up by providing food and necessity, not piano or ballet class, not college tuition or a good paid job. Kids can survive, but to succeed they must compete, study hard, otherwise they will be jobless, knee deep in debt, and suffer. The system sort us out, the violent and aggressive are lock up, the smart and diligent gain more choices. Baby booming only good for economy, it drives down labor cost, accelerates consumption and helps those at top accumulate more wealth in fast rate. If poor people have convenient contraception support and choices like free college courses, travel then they would not choose to have 4th or 5th or 6th or more child. But governments lure the poorly educated people to bring more babies into their future economy and labor force by promising them free child care and hospital, formula aid etc, and backed by large corporations chanting the slogan of Economic Development for purely corporation profit aim. Many parents grow up in poor environment never really learned about basic human value and dignity living, and they compare every situation with their childhood memory so they breed. My parents were poor, they never really cared about my future when they bred me, like most of Chinese parent generations, they did not know about economy, nor real life value being poor since their childhood, many of them did not even do a basic math of wage divide by mouth. So I think for a global corporation lobbyists to advocate Economic Development for the poor better divide more of their annual profit to the poor country directly instead of giving a good speech or argument. Also, most poor don’t care about economy development, nor they really care about their children living condition otherwise they would take the pill or herb.

Saving environment is mostly nations, governments’ and corporations’ responsibility. Not the poor people, because people starve spend all their time and energy to scramble for some crumbs, they would shoot a rhino or an elephant, cut off the horn and tusk, in fact they would bless God by doing it, because that’s a (probably only) way they can get out, pull their family out of poverty, send their kids to college or money for the road to Europe or America, if I were a poor father I will shoot the last rhino or elephant, I would shoot it with AR-15, I would make sure its god damn dead and cut all profitable pieces to just give my son or daughter a future out of cesspool that I repent to bring them there. The poor people’s job is to dodge suffering and starvation, to move up ladder. The poor have no financial muscle, no political structure, no scientific insight or wisdom, no foresight to preserve our environment. The most they can do is protest in EU and US, other parts of world they cannot even protest to save their forests, old landmarks, or rivers. But, the Rich powerful global corporations add together their capitals can buy all the green lands, they have financial ability and political influence to do the right thing, it’s purely their responsibility, but right now they care about converting forests to a few gazillion numbers on their saving accounts, and they do that under a banner of ‘helping the poor of the world’, like our politicians and all their corporal lobbyist buddies singing ‘creating jobs for American’.

there’s an Ancient Chinese proverb: “留得青山在,不怕没柴烧””keep the mountain green, so never run out of firewood”

I love all David Attenborough’s nature series! So educational for me, artists and writers should all watch those dvds, a lot of inspiring material there, good for creativity.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Stay Close

Stay Close
Laijon Liu 20171108

To Survive is to Stay Close
To heed the familiar footsteps in dust storm
To take sanctuary behind your castle walls
To remember, to follow your matriarch
To cherish the leftover and fresh waterholes

Read the footprints of family and tradition
Those tracks lead thru dry lands to lush plains
And pay respect to the ivory bones on your path
They are the past preserved by time and wind
They hold mystery and the map of your road.

BBC Life Story

Monday, November 6, 2017


Laijon Liu 20171106

that feeling is pre-programmed long ago
in our blood cells, in our brain
that feeling of need and want
the uncontrollable urge and madness
that calling of the nature, the spring breeze

the air is burning, it’s injected multi doses
of egotism, testosterone, rage and ecstasy
the overloaded dump trucks careening left and right
chasing each other, chasing the last train that leaving the station

Blow that bugle, Pump up for battle
Trumpet! all the high notes in the center court
Honk your horny thundering noise for the world to stun
you handsome douche, you macho idiot

no one dares to block your entrance, or ruin your show
your gene is the best, so you pass down
you’ve got Hercules’ legs and Zeus’ junk
so go, be that great porn star in ten second act.

I was watching “Echo and Other Elephants” and saw a scene that Shakespeare would want to put it on his stage. It’s so emotional charged, hell-raising comic drama. Anyone sees elephant musth the first time he/she would say “wo! What’s his problem?!” Surely we have seen such scene in our society, at workplace, in political arena, the worst at home, that's terrifying traumatic. the dude put on his ugly game face look at the camera the crowd, act like sour pus like someone bankrupted his billion dollar business…. But for elephant is natural, amusing and funny.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Laijon Liu 20171101

slowly they patrol in our vessels
and collect, consume our waste

their elephant memory is built
to map out the far away distance

uptown avenues, downtown streets
where and when the rush crowds pass

harvest in every trash bin, in their
zeppelins and their wrinkle smiles

the ground feeds them, so they bow
each step, existence is a heavy tow

dead cells, dead cells, they recycle
and redigest, till their breath stop

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Real Chinatown Street Art vs James Cohan's 10/18/2017 Installation :D

Real Chinatown Street Art vs James Cohan's 10/18/2017 Installation :D

first, I do admire Mr. James Cohan's not-so-bold artistic installation using Chinatown background as theme set, it's time for artists look at Chinatown, as anyone ever been to Chinatown would experience culture shock, even for some Chinese. it's not Western country, that gives clean feel, the dirty oily grease street, smooth like black frozen mirror made with meat grease cover the ground. people often drop their candy wrap and thrown fruit skin even the trash can is only 5 feet away. that art is real than Cohan's installation, his set floor is too clean, he didn't get that part right. Of course, Mr. Cohan had not worked in a Chinese restaurant or supermarket, if compare to Korean ethnic supermarket and Japanese grocery stores to the Chinatown food market, it's like you shopping in heaven or hell. the tension working in many Chinese supermarket and restaurant beats Hell Kitchen on Fox, Chef Ramsey would be a little push-over crying boy if he ever work there, I personally had 1 year busboy experience in two Chinese restaurant, the management and bullies, the infighting break you. your boss or any waiters howl to your face like you are a duckling among a flock of geese. But Cohan's set was nobody there to grind you. of course, nobody especially most of Chinese media and community leaders include local Chinese politicians dare ever to mention about the employee rights, fair-treatment, like official holidays and overtime hours straightly enforced in Chinatown, but I guess if we ignore the dirty street, wobbling carefully on the slippery floor, never bother how much the busboys, the cashiers, the servers in the tea bars were paid we all can enjoy cheap delicious cuisine and drinks. I sent email to nyt and wnyc asking them dispatch some investigative reporters into Chinatown, of course, I was racist too, I felt only a white/black hand can pull some my lowly Chinese workers out of human pits in Chinatown, like some 20 years ago, how nyt reported Chinese sweatshops operate and pay. the local Chinese papers don't do that, they'd rather take advertisement check from the Chinatown small business owners than to dare ask "how much you pay your employee?" "do they have holidays, sick days, healthcare?" they would sound like the left? but always remember the Republican's interpreted freedom is truly American Fabric, funny? :D

Years ago in 90s, I faxed one page to World Journal asked the major Chinese media organization to publish a few articles and headlines educate the they so-called themselves model minority not to throw Chinese newspaper on the NY subway, please fold paper while reading in rush hour space wise. I never get response, of course, the major Chinese papers in US: World Journel, Sing Tao Daily, Qiao Bao only care about high culture and mainstream culture, like someone look like Chinese born in America suddenly had meteoroid rise break thru mainstream culture, scientists, doctors, arts, entertainment, sports, most page space devoted to that, while Chinese grandma (70yr old) picking empty bottle hauling over 80-100lb wheel-bag walking on the side of traffic roads getting by, most massage place run by undocumented women from China actually prostitute for quick profit and monthly sending their hard-banged US dollars to their old sick parents or kids back in China, where are those annually 20% Asian accepted (most are Chinese) ivy league grads, as their parents probably highly educated so called the elites from China proudly bring up their American-Dream successors in their conversation with friends, I guess they just disappeared into mainstream, into American Dream, bought a suburb mansion, became the new American.

yet, the Chinatown is still dirty, filled with fake goodies from China, I used to love those pirated DVDs, I used to feel guilty to buy those, but now I know hollywood produce fake movies (the content), there's not even much good things for me to steal now. only the old Chinese grandmas, grandpas that they worked in sewing company for whole life, loud speaking their dialect only and hunched back like they never got out of their sweatshops, daily scavenge empty bottles and soda cans on the street. my father told me once to get out Chinatown, the out-states are better, so different world. but like soldiers back from war we all bring our childhood some important struggling years where we go.

We all love town. We say we go to town, circus in town, 3 point from downtown, down to the Chinatown... :D but somehow I realize I'm selfish, going to town is only for my own pleasure, it's never about the town, it's me in the town, what the town makes me feel, and how I go about there.

maybe I am not widely experienced person on Art about Chinatown, I think Mr James Cohon really a good artist, he has mind concerning about our livelihood, our neighborhood, especially Chinatown community should thank his art work, ya see, artists and writers are spiritual doctors, we care about the sickly, like how the media care about the presidents' statement and his truth. I don't see there's nothing wrong or racist in his installation. in fact, it should be more dirty, messy, and the smell got to be right. because Art is about truth, and truth is beauty. as so many Chinese community media leaders protest Mr. Cohan's art, they should go walk a few blocks of Chinatown and take photos! and make it performance art too: pick up the trash or loiter your own, depends on individual atheistic concept, and stop shoveling 'our' '5000' year culture to a westerner's face, look at the pavement where they stand, also look at the China and CCP leaders how they proceed the real 5000 year Chinese culture into 10000 years, to continue the Chimp Politics(猴王统治), who's tuff who's boss(谁狠谁老大), and along that great progress there are countless poor Chinese and rich Chinese(I don't understand why the successful rich also) are push out, escape, mass immigrated since Qing Dynasty (2nd economy in 19th century) and now the People's Republic of China (also 2nd economy in the world), the commons still moving out, like famous Chinese Artist Mr. Ai Wei Wei concerning about all immigrants from Middle East and Africa, that the place and states are torn and burnt by wars and poverty, but Chinese still moving out figuring many ways to climb the Great Wall, instead of the elites should live there like elites with their knowledge and wealth that shame the traditional European royal elites, and the dirty, stinky, old, dialect commoners who are lucky to get out and forever cramped in their Chinatown.

Sure. we can talk about Chinese poetry, literature, rhymed prose, many great novels, painting in all modern spirit and abstract expressionist style some 800 years ago... (which means those were great and so forward than the Westerner's contemporary, but most those talents were exiled for political reason, their big mouth) that's what those so called artists and their media themselves defend their proud Chinese culture, and call whoever speaks truth a racist, especially you are not Chinese, and for a Chinese criticizing 'his/her' own 'culture' or 'tradition' suddenly that person become a traitor, a tail-wagging dog lapping its western master, or any westerner (who does not have Chinese face) translate Chinese poetry, or novel all the good ones are wholly lauded the great friend, and we all dress up to teeth dance in ballroom, glide around gold room in orchestra music, and no one alert the toilets stuck, shit overflow, the bathroom becomes a shitty bog.

elephant tusks, shark fins, rhino horns, bear bile, tiger bone liquor, dogs abused slaughtered in horror, cats boiled alive, forests raked to deserts, smogs, emperor system ever lasting, arms dominate laws, the ugly shameless cowards rule over the extreme overpopulated timid mind their own business crowds... there are so many proud sides counteract 5000 yr uninterrupted culture and 3000 yr most beautiful poetry tradition. How dare anyone criticize 5000 year tradition? the grease and dirts from Emporer Qin. the Real Art vs Mr James Cohan's Art. I say Mr. Cohan is too polite. my room is worse, crampy and messy than his set. only I wish I own an atm at my place and a deep deposit.

The Protest Article from World Journal

NYC Columbus Park